Category | Score
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Category | Score
Suggested tools to use
Blue Ocean Creativy & Value Innovation (20%)
Impact Potential (20%)
Technical Feasibility (20%)
Commercial Viability & Scalability (20%)
Quality of Presentation & Use of Blue Ocean Tools (20%)
Concept is a novel idea that achieves both differentiation and low cost to create a new market space where there is no competition.
Large market potential (+$1BN or impacts 100M people). Problem the concept solves is significant with a wide appeal and potential global impact.
No new technology is required, or the technology required to develop the concept already exists and is feasible.
Business model makes a compelling argument for commercial viability and scalability, with the potential of mass adoption.
The concept is clearly articulated using the appropriate blue ocean tools and frameworks; message is clear and compelling and presented with great interest and enthusiasm.
Similar core products/services exist. Concept has meaningful differentiation and somewhat lower cost structure as compared to competitors.
Sizeable market potential $100M or 50M people. Problem the concept solves is somewhat significant and common or significant and less common.
Technology required to develop the concept exists but possibly not at a feasible price point.
Business model makes a reasonable argument for commercial viability and scalability.
Message is reasonably clear and fairly compelling and presented with good interest and enthusiasm.
Similar core products/services exist. The concept has significant differentiation from the competition, but it does not achieve low cost.
Moderate market potential $50M or 10M people. Problem the concept solves is either significant for a small set of customers or less significant for a large set of users.
Some of the technology required to develop the concept exists but likely not at a feasible price point.
Business model seems commercially viable but scalability seems plausible.
Message is somewhat clear and compelling, good interest and enthusiasm, able to explain how product/service works at a high level.
Similar core products/services exist, and concept has minimal differentiation from the competition.
Limited market potential ($5M or less than 10M people). Problem the concept solves is not significant to users, or significant only to a small niche.
Little to none of the technology required to develop the concept exists.
Business model makes scalability seem unlikely.
Message is somewhat clear but not very compelling.
Concept provides no perceivable differentiation from competing products and services.
Low market potential. Less than $5M. Problem the concept solves is neither significant nor common.
Technology required to develop the concept is far-fetched or not feasible at all.
The concept does not seem commercially viable.
Message is unclear and the individual/group shows little enthusiasm. The individual/group is unable to explain how the product/service works in a way that's understandable by the judges.
Use Eliminate-Reduce-Raise-Create Grid to show how your idea achieves differentiation and low cost simultaneously. Use Strategy Canvas to clearly show the competitive landscape and how your offering stands apart.
Use the Three Tiers of Noncustomers Framework and the Buyer Utlity Map to show the wide appeal of your offering.
Present research or facts to confirm the technical feasibility of your offering.
Provide profitability model, go-to-market plan or end-user feedback.